All the Kids

All the Kids

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Yet Another Snag

We have a specific prayer request for those of you who are following our story.  There is a new regulation that has gone into effect that would require us to stay in Ukraine for an additional 8 weeks with the boys.  That is in addition to the estimated 6 - 8 weeks to complete the adoption.  While that is not an earth shattering development, it would mean Jocelyn and Ellie would need to go with us as we can not be away from them that long and that we would have many additional costs.  Passports for the girls, airline tickets for the girls, and an apartment for 2 additional months.  These are just the things we have thought of so far...I am sure there are many others.  Scott would obviously have to come home and work so it would mean I would be in a foreign country with four children, two of whom do not speak English.  To say that is overwhelming to think about for me is an understatement.  So I would really, really appreciate your prayers that we manage through this development or that the rules change.  We know God is in control and that it will all work out.  He has provided so far and will continue to provide, we are confident.

On a positive note, our dossier was successfully submitted to the SDA today.  They will take about 20 days to process it and get us our appointment date.

My verse for this week:

Cease striving and know that I am God;
        Psalm 46:10a

Monday, June 24, 2013


Here are a few pictures of some of the jewelry we have left to sell.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


We now have a guaranteed spot to have our dossier submitted this coming Thursday!  Our facilitator tried to submit it this past Thursday, but there were not available spots.  So this Thursday it is.  We are very ready for this step to happen!  From there, we will wait to hear when our appointment has been set to be in Ukraine.  We will have to go to the SDA to get our referral for the boys.  Then....finally we will get to go meet the boys.  Can.  Not.  Wait.

We participated in the 5K for the Fatherless yesterday.  It was a great day for a great cause.  There were families there who have adopted from Ukraine, from China, from Ethipia, from the US, and from other countries.  It was very exciting to see everyone come together.  Children everywhere who once had no family and who were now a part of a family.  Very exciting to see.  200 Million Flowers is the organization who put on the fundraiser and they are very actively helping foster children in Mississippi find forever families and helping young women in crisis pregnancies.  It is so good to see groups so involved in orphan care and in orphan prevention.  We are looking forward to being involved next year with S and V as part of our family.

We are trying to finish up our fund raising efforts.  We still have t-shirts for sale - a never ending supply.  :)  We may have over-ordered.  We still have necklaces from Uganda we are selling and I have made some double stranded bracelets from these paper beads as well.  And of course, I still have some of my jewelry that I have made for sale.  I will be posting pics soon of some of the things I have left.  T-shirts are now $15, Ugandan jewelry is $15 for necklaces and bracelets, and my jewelry is $10 - $30.  We also have a 2003 GMC Suburban for sale if anyone is in the market, an antique twin size Jenny Lind wooden bed, a Ford truck bed cover, some Pergo wood laminate flooring, and an antique boot bench.  As someone said, basically come over, see something you like, and make an offer.  :)  After all, what is stuff compared to bringing these two boys into our family?!  We are in the home stretch and are very excited.

As always, we covet your prayers.

Learn to do good;
Seek justice,
Reprove the ruthless,
Defend the orphan,
Plead for the widow.

Isaiah 1:17

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

So today we have had a great day.  We all went to church this morning and had a great Father's Day sermon and great Sunday School.  Then we came home and had a great lunch with my parents and all but 2 of our kiddos.  We had a good afternoon just visiting and hanging out and a good evening being outside and enjoying God's creation.  But all day, S and V were heavily on my mind.  Hoping and praying this is the last year they are fatherless on Father's Day.  I wondered how foster kids, kids in group homes, kids in orphanages feel on Father's Day.  What a tough day that must be.  And my heart hurts for them.  Scott is such a great dad to our kids.  My dad has always been there for me.  What would it be like to not have that in one's life?  What a hole, a gap, a missing part that would exist.  Yet there are kids everywhere who live like that - with noone to help lead them through life - noone to protect them and provide for them - noone to love them.  Kids who are just waiting for a man to step forward and say, "I will be your father."    It is just heartbreaking.  S and V....we are coming.  And hopefully, next year, you can understand why we celebrate Father's Day and the love their Heavenly Father has for you.

Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.  Matthew 6:9

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dossier, part 2

Our dossier has made it to our facilitator and due to some miscommunications, we needed to send more forms today.  So the next packet is on its way and should get to him on Monday.  We are hoping and praying that it will be submitted next week.  Then we will wait to hear when our appointment in Ukraine will be.  I have heard from people who have adopted from Ukraine that the appointment is set anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks from submission of dossier.  So time to really get ready to go!  Tomorrow I have an appointment so I will be out alone and while I am out, I am planning on going shopping for some clothes and shoes for the boys.  It is about to get real!

Again, this past week, we have had donations come in from unexpected sources for our adoption.  It is exciting to watch God at work.  We are very close to having it fully funded and that is just amazing to us to be completely honest.  In the beginning of our process, we were checking into groups that offer interest-free adoption loans, assuming we would need to go that route.   It is looking more and more like that will not be necessary, and we are humbled and moved by the generosity of so many.  I am making a book for the boys so one day they will know how many people helped give them a family.  So many of you are part of their story.  If you have been praying for us, and I do not know it, please let me know so I can include you in their story.  God is using so many of you in providing a future for S and V that they probably would not otherwise have had.  Thank you, thank you, thank you and praise God!

The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."  Matthew 25:40

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Dossier is on its way!

Our elusive I171 came in the mail yesterday afternoon!  We took it immediately to have it notarized and scooped up all of our other forms and headed to Mississippi's Secretary of State's office to get each form an apostille.  There were a couple of hic-ups so we came home and scanned and emailed a few things to our facilitator in Ukraine to get one last final approval before shipping our dossier to him.  This morning we got the go ahead and we have packaged up and labeled our 'baby' that we have been working hard on for months now.  Scott is on his way to the Fed Ex office as I type to send it on its way.  Please pray it gets to our facilitator quickly and safely.  It should take about a week and he will spend about a week proofreading and translating it.  Then - it will be submitted to the SDA in Ukraine.  Very exciting steps.  We can not thank everyone enough for all of the support and prayers on this journey.