All the Kids

All the Kids

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


We are at a standstill....waiting on more fingerprints.  The USCIS has decided before we get our I171, which we need in order to submit our dossier, that our three college kids also need to get fingerprinted.  Very frustrating and very bad timing.  They all have finals coming up and they will all have to drive to Little Rock in order to be finger printed.  That is if their appointments get set before they come to Mississippi for the summer.  So many ifs.  We know that all things happen in God's timing and we are trying to rest in that.  We had hoped to be getting our 171 soon and this will delay it possibly significantly.  So we wait, some more.  Meanwhile, we are busy fundraising.  We are selling jewelry still and we still have t-shirts for sale.  A very sweet woman has the jewelry at her office this week and it is selling very well.  And our second daughter is selling t-shirts on her college campus and is doing really well with that.  We are so very grateful!  I have made an unexpected trip to Tulsa and will be here for about two weeks.  So that means Scott is holding down the fund-raising front.  So contact him if you need a shirt or a bracelet or some earrings!  I am still making jewelry and will be shipping it to him every few days.  We appreciate all of your prayers.  It is very important to us to be able to travel to Ukraine this summer so our college kids will be around to help with our little girls while we are away.  We have no idea how we will work it out if our adoption stretches into August.  So a specific prayer will be that we are home by the time school is starting up this fall.  Caroline (Carlie) will be starting at Mississippi State University in August as a freshman and I would really like to be home by then to help her move in to her dorm.  Please also keep Sasha and Vitalik in your prayers, that they feel God's love and that they do not give up hope of having a family soon.  All of your support means so very much to us.


erica said...

Praying that everything will happen in God's perfect timing! Can't wait to see those boys HOME!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, just heard about your situation with Sasha & Vatalik from MM at church this weekend. Great to know you are working toward that adoption. God bless and we will be praying for the timing to work out for you.
Pastor Kevin Muyskens, Immanuel Christian Reformed Church, Sheldon, Iowa.