Benjamin is continuing to do well adjusting to his new life with us. He has much to learn, as do we, but he is transitioning so much better than we expected. What a blessing! He has a great sense of humor, is very open to learning in his school work, really desires to please, and truly loves being a part of a family. He told me a few days ago, "Papa work. Mama doma (home) with Benjamin. Thank you, Mama." How sweet is that?! His English is continuing to improve (He has learned 'too loud' and 'gentle' thankfully as he can get loud and boisterous!) and he is so happy most of the time. He does have periods of sadness - which is to be expected considering all the loss in his life. That is something we just have to work through with time. He is very affectionate and loves having the bigs home for Christmas break.
We are loving having a new son and having a boy in the house again. It is eye opening for the older girls to see how differently a boy acts and the things he finds funny. They do not get his bathroom humor at all! And he finds it very funny how grossed out they get. So the cycle just continues. :) It is very amusing for Scott and me to watch.
I feel better than I have in 2 years - since my diagnosis. Two Christmases ago, I remember vividly wondering if I would ever get to spend another Christmas season with my family. It was a great motivator to go with the most aggressive surgery and treatment possible. The treatment left me exhausted and sick for almost a year and has taken months to start feeling like myself again. I feel very blessed to still be here and grateful for each and every day. Being slapped in the face with the possibility of dying has given me a new desire to live my life with purpose and not waste my time on frivolous things.
The bigs are all doing so well and we are so proud of each of them. They all love God and I can see He has big plans for their lives. They are all doing well in school and it looks like we will have three graduating next year! And one getting married!! A very big year in the life of the bigs.
Jocelyn and Ellie Grace are doing well home schooling. They feel secure with their place in the family and they know they are loved. Learning to share their toys with a new member of the family is a challenge at times but what a great growing experience! We try to give them some time one-on-one to ease them into having a new brother and so far, it is going well.
I spent the night in the hospital with Scott last night and through the day yesterday and then the night, we saw many different nurses. All of them were great but only one of them asked us about our life and we mentioned that we had just adopted Benjamin from Ukraine. At the moment, we know four families (all from different states in the U.S.) who are in Ukraine adopting or in between their SDA referral appointment and court date. So we know of four children being adopted right now from Ukraine. And this nurse knows one of those kids....really. It should not, but always amazes me how God puts specific people in our path. Last night, I dreamed about the kids we met and got to know in the orphanage. They are in my thoughts daily. If God made the way, we would go back tomorrow!
Goodness - so much to be grateful for this year. And we are looking forward to the new year and discovering all that God has planned for our family.
Our first Sunday back at church as a family of 10. Benjamin handled it well and even pointed out people to me that he recognized as they came in. He was not interested in talking to people but it was a good first Sunday.
The bigs took the littles to Chick Fil A and Frozen today so Scott and I could sleep. You can not beat having older kids!! (We were exhausted after a night in the hospital.)
The cousins (or some of them anyway) touring a boat in Vicksburg the day after Christmas. What a crew!
After the tour, we went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch. Benjamin ate some chips and salsa and then looked at me and said, "Hot!" But he kept right on eating them. He also chowed down on his rice and burrito. He continues to amaze us at the variety of foods he likes.
Happy New Years to all of you. I hope you have a wonderful year and find many things to be grateful for this coming year.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:11 - 13
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