These three were intrigued with the cutting of the tree!
I think Collin, Elizabeth and Jocelyn had the most fun!
I am still making and selling jewelry when I can and finished up the fundraiser for the Rash family's adoption last month. They should be traveling soon in the new year and I can not wait to show you pictures of their new son! As soon as they give the ok, I will introduce you to him. We all really appreciate your support of their adoption.
For the month of December, the proceeds from my sales are going to Project Hopeful. They are an organization that educates, encourages, and enables families and individuals to advocate for and adopt children with HIV/AIDS and other of the most overlooked children for adoption. Our family has been impacted by the cause of children with HIV/AIDS so it is a cause close to our hearts. We knew nothing about HIV/AIDS except for all the fears until a few years ago when out of necessity, we became educated about it. Now we realize how important education is on this subject so that people can let go of their fears. So we really appreciate the work that Project Hopeful does on behalf of these kids. Check them out at, on Facebook or on Instagram. And thanks for helping support them!
One of my favorite new pair of earrings:
To order a pair, either contact me or click on the etsy button which will take you straight to my shop.
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