All the Kids

All the Kids

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Some Pics of Ukraine

We have a down day today so that is why I am writing 2 posts.  Scott is out roaming the streets of Kyiv while I am in the apartment resting and catching up on communication.  We have taken hundreds of pictures and want to share a few.

 A tire swan.  I have seen these in several places and think they are really cool!

I was excited to see tire planters too!

The rolling hills are just beautiful.

This is the 'lodge in the woods' where we stayed for several nights.  It was more like staying in someone's home that a hotel.  They cooked for us and we just ate whatever she was cooking that day.  If their chickens laid eggs, we had delicious fresh eggs.  If not, we had potatoes or macaroni for breakfast.  It was all good though!

This is the front area of the lodge.  We got there the day they were planting all these plants and I just stood and watched as they turned up shovel-fulls of the blackest, richest soil I have ever seen.  I was so jealous!  Oh, the flower beds I could have!!!

This is the view from the lodge.  It was very peaceful and beautiful.

This was a little well house for the lodge.  Not sure if they still use it or not, but it was cool.

This is the road leading us to the driveway for the lodge.  It was just a mixture or rocks.  When we walked on it, it hurt my feet through my shoes.  Hopefully they make tires a little tougher here!

Another shot of the road.  The pond in the distance was our view from the lodge.

The driveway up to the lodge.

 'Mushrooms' decorating the front lawn of the orphanage.  They are made with old enamel bowls which are painted.  I think they are so creative and fun.

Two of the light fixtures in our third apartment that I though were really pretty.  We thought the bulbs in the first one were out of place though.

The dolphin show in Kyiv that we took the boys to see.

I know it is hard to see, but this is a picture of some of the family members who run the lodge getting their cows in for the day.  There are no fences for livestock so they just go out each evening and bring them in.  I have no idea how cows do not wander off.  In the villages, the people take their cow or goat out to somewhere in the village and stake them in one spot.  Then they graze that area down for the day and the owners go bring them home at night.  It is very interesting to see how differently things are done.

This is the view from the balcony of our third apartment.

This is a picture of a freshly turned field.  It still does not convey how dark the soil is.  (Can you imagine, Jamie and Paula?!)

This is a horse drawn cart the farmer is using.  We see people driving these down the streets loaded with bags of some kind of produce and just loaded with families.  There are certainly cars too, but plenty of these carts as well.  There are also carts powered by these tiller-looking things instead of horses.  We have not gotten a shot of those yet but they are very innovative.


Kievjoy said...

The water to the house is probably supplied by an electric pump from the well, but if they have a power cut, they probably have a hand pump so that they can fill buckets and bowels to bring to the house, it's how we do it in our house

Kievjoy said...

The cows coming back from pasture, will actually find their own way back, owner just walks beside them to make sure they're not distracted by someone elses plants in the land at the front. Once they get home they will either be staked out on the owners property, or will have a nice warm barn to sleep in.

Unknown said...

Hi April,

You don't know me but I came across your blog and was looking at your pictures. The light fixtures in this post look familiar from when we were there last year. You mentioned Vanya and I am thinking it may be our Vanya. We loved him! Can you tell him hello from the Bells? Thanks so much. Will be praying for you guys.


Unknown said...

Tina, I will certainly Vanya hello from you! We love him too. Thank you for the prayers.