All the Kids

All the Kids

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

One Hour

One hour.  That is what it takes for a certain red haired Ukrainian we know to calm down enough to talk to me once he gets mad.  In case I have made it seem that we are living in some sort of Utopia, we are not.  It is real life with real feelings and real emotions.  And a language barrier.  I hesitate to blog about the hard days because I certainly never want to come across as complaining.  This is something we signed on for and came into with our eyes pretty wide open.  But I also do not want to give a white-washed view of what adoption looks like.  We are just a regular family, blending cultures and languages, and hope to come out on the other side stronger and with one more heart won for Christ.

But really, he is a great kid, full of personality, spunk, humor, and a great attitude.  He just also happens to have a temper.  I told him welcome to the club.  :)

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