All the Kids

All the Kids

Sunday, June 23, 2013


We now have a guaranteed spot to have our dossier submitted this coming Thursday!  Our facilitator tried to submit it this past Thursday, but there were not available spots.  So this Thursday it is.  We are very ready for this step to happen!  From there, we will wait to hear when our appointment has been set to be in Ukraine.  We will have to go to the SDA to get our referral for the boys.  Then....finally we will get to go meet the boys.  Can.  Not.  Wait.

We participated in the 5K for the Fatherless yesterday.  It was a great day for a great cause.  There were families there who have adopted from Ukraine, from China, from Ethipia, from the US, and from other countries.  It was very exciting to see everyone come together.  Children everywhere who once had no family and who were now a part of a family.  Very exciting to see.  200 Million Flowers is the organization who put on the fundraiser and they are very actively helping foster children in Mississippi find forever families and helping young women in crisis pregnancies.  It is so good to see groups so involved in orphan care and in orphan prevention.  We are looking forward to being involved next year with S and V as part of our family.

We are trying to finish up our fund raising efforts.  We still have t-shirts for sale - a never ending supply.  :)  We may have over-ordered.  We still have necklaces from Uganda we are selling and I have made some double stranded bracelets from these paper beads as well.  And of course, I still have some of my jewelry that I have made for sale.  I will be posting pics soon of some of the things I have left.  T-shirts are now $15, Ugandan jewelry is $15 for necklaces and bracelets, and my jewelry is $10 - $30.  We also have a 2003 GMC Suburban for sale if anyone is in the market, an antique twin size Jenny Lind wooden bed, a Ford truck bed cover, some Pergo wood laminate flooring, and an antique boot bench.  As someone said, basically come over, see something you like, and make an offer.  :)  After all, what is stuff compared to bringing these two boys into our family?!  We are in the home stretch and are very excited.

As always, we covet your prayers.

Learn to do good;
Seek justice,
Reprove the ruthless,
Defend the orphan,
Plead for the widow.

Isaiah 1:17

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